Throughout more than 35 years of operation involving more than 2000 job references, we have achieved our yearly goal: 0 Lost Time Incidents. When dealing with safety, we make no compromises – a philosophy that manifests itself in our safety figures.
We believe there is a distinct connection between effort and results, and it is essential that all take efforts to avoid incidents and accidents. If our employees fail to see a risky situation in handling a particular assignment, the possibility of being unsafe is present.
Health and Safety Policy
It is the policy of Maersk H2S Safety Services A/S to conduct all operations with due regard to safety requirements. Commercial considerations will never come before the safety considerations of personnel. Due care and attention is and will continue to be given to all aspects of our work.
We believe in a safe workplace without any health, safety and security incidents. Personal incidents are considered unacceptable and should at all times be prevented. It is our policy to ensure and document that we obtain the highest achievable level of:
- Product, service and process safety
- Organizational and logistic safety, and safety experienced by our customers
- Health, safety and security of employees considering regulatory requirements as a minimum
- Management System certified according to ISO 9001:2015
- Achilles Oil and Gas Silver embership
- Magnet JQS (EPIM JQS)
- Certified by DNV GL
- Our goals are consistent with the UN Global Compact and “Maersk Principles of Conduct” which – like the UN Global Compact – is a set of international, ethical rules.